It All Starts Here
Opening a Savings Account gives you a safe place to grow your net worth, plus so much more. It’s how you become a member of our not-for-profit financial cooperative that’s focused on providing you with refreshing financial solutions. When you become a member, a Savings Account is opened in your name and, with a one-time-only membership fee of $10.00, you can start taking advantage of everything Coca-Cola Credit Union has to offer.
We believe in helping our members reach important goals and milestones, no matter what stage of life they’re in. Open a Coca-Cola Credit Union Savings Account today and see all the opportunities before you.
- $10.00 minimum opening deposit
- No monthly service fees
- Competitive dividends
- Direct Deposit options
- Easy online and mobile access
- P2P transfers through Bill Pay
- Shared Branch Network
Open your Coca-Cola Credit Union Savings Account Online HERE.
How Can We Help?
Questions about your current Coca-Cola Credit Union Savings Account? Ready to start making your money work for you? Contact us for more information at 877-277-2586 (outside of Metro Atlanta; toll-free) 404-676-2586 (inside of Metro Atlanta) or email us at creditunion@coca-cola.com