Wire Transfers


How to Request a Wire Transfer

Domestic or International Wire transfers will only be accepted for processing via Coca-Cola Credit Union Online Banking or when delivered in person to the AOC Branch on North Avenue. We also offer financial institution to financial institution wire transactions. (Domestic and International). *Please note that we cannot accept fax or email requests.

Wire Transfer Fees

Outgoing Domestic and Outgoing International Wire fees can be found on our Rate and Fee Schedule.  We no longer charge an Incoming Wire fee.

A Foreign Wire Currency Conversion fee will be assessed when currency is converted from US Dollars to any foreign currency.  The fee will be based on the amount of the wire transfer.  This fee will be assessed in addition to the current International Wire Transfer fee.  *See Rate and Fee Schedule for details.

Outgoing Wire Transfers

To send a Domestic Wire from your Credit Union account to another financial institution, you have two options:

  • Option 1: You may complete the Outgoing Wire Transfer Form and deliver it in person to the AOC Branch on North Avenue
  • Option 2: You may submit your wire online (at a discounted rate) by logging into your
    Coca-Cola Credit Union Online Banking account (click More, then Wire Transfers)

Outgoing Wire Requests must be typewritten.  Submission of a wire request that is not typewritten may cause a delay in processing.

Outgoing Wire Requests must be received no later than 2:00 PM ET to be initiated the same day.  Wire requests received after 2:00 PM will be initiated the following business day.

Outgoing Domestic Wires

For Domestic Wires, the following information must be furnished to Coca-Cola Credit Union:

  • Name of Financial Institution
  • City, State
  • ABA (or routing number)
  • Name of Recipient
  • Account number
  • Any special instructions
  • Amount

Outgoing International Wires

To send an International Wire, you must complete the Outgoing Wire Transfer Form.  The following information is required:

  • Name of Financial Institution
  • City, State and/or Province
  • Country
  • Bank Identifying Codes (e.g. Swift codes, Sort codes, etc.)
  • Name of Recipient
  • Account number
  • Any special instructions
  • Amount and currency type

Additional Verification May Be Required

For your protection, first-time wires and wires in the amounts of $5,000.00 or greater will NOT be processed until verification with you is completed. Verification must be completed before 3:00 PM ET for same day processing. This may include a phone call and/or email from us to confirm your identity and your request. Delay in verifying this information can delay the processing of your request if we are unable to complete the verification process by 3:00 PM. In addition, if you need to send funds in a foreign currency, you will have to be verified and agree to the currency conversion contract via email before the funds are released.

Incoming Wire Transfers

See Incoming Domestic Wire Transfers below for wiring funds from another financial institution to your Credit Union account.  Incoming wires must be received no later than 4:00 PM ET.  Wires received after 4:00 PM ET will be posted the following business day.

The following information must be furnished to the institution wiring funds to your Credit Union account.  Please contact the sending financial institution for their Wire Instructions form and/or requirements.

Incoming Domestic Wire Transfer Instructions

  • Coca-Cola Federal Credit Union
  • ABA/ Routing # 261071564
  • Final credit: (Member’s Name), (Member’s Credit Union Account Number)

Incoming Foreign Currency

To send a foreign currency wire to your account at Coca-Cola Credit Union, select the instructions below for the currency you want to send.  The details will be displayed below the list once selected.

Please contact us with any wire questions at 404-676-2586 inside Atlanta, 877-277-2586 outside Atlanta, or via email at creditunion@coca-cola.com*.

Refer to this list when sending funds to a Coca-Cola Credit Union (CCCU) Account.  Other financial institutions that process the incoming wire may charge a fee.  The funds will be converted to USD (US Dollars) prior to posting to your account at Coca-Cola Credit Union.


Note: Euro (EURO) includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.

*Please do not submit confidential or sensitive information via email.

Select currency below for details.

  • US Dollar Outside of the USA (USD)

    Intermediary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank Intl
    Bank Location: San Francisco
    Bank Swift: WFBIUS6S
    Beneficiary Bank:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union

    Beneficiary ABA: //FW261071564

    Beneficiary Information – Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Full Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Full Address:

  • Canadian Dollar (CAD)

    Intermediary Bank: Toronto Dominion Bank
    Bank Location: Toronto
    Bank Swift: TDOMCATTTOR

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Australian Dollar (AUD)

    Intermediary Bank: Australia & New Zealand Banking Group
    Bank Location: Melbourne
    Bank Swift: ANZBAU3M

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Mexican Peso (MXN)

    Intermediary Bank: Bancomer Bank Location: Mexico City Bank Swift: BCMRMXMM

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Euro (EURO)

    Intermediary Bank: Deutsche Bank AG Bank Location: Frankfurt
    Bank Swift: DEUTDEFF

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Fiji Dollars (FJD)

    Intermediary Bank: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
    Bank Location: Suva
    Bank Swift: ANZBFJFX

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Great British Pound (GBP)

    Intermediary Bank: National Westminster Bank PLC Bank Location: London
    Bank Swift: NWBKGB2L

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
    Intermediary Bank: Shanghai Commercial Bank LTD Bank Location: Hong Kong
    Bank Swift: SCBKHKHHBeneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFXBeneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:
  • Hungarian Forint (HUF)

    Intermediary Bank: HVB Hungary RT Bank Location: Budapest
    Bank Swift: BACXHUHB

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Israeli Shekel (ILS)
    Intermediary Bank: Bank Leumi Le Israel B.M. Bank Location: Tel Aviv
    Bank Swift: LUMIILITBeneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFXBeneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:
  • Japanese Yen (JPY)

    Intermediary Bank: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
    Bank Location: Tokyo
    Bank Swift: SMBCJPJT

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

    Intermediary Bank: National Bank of Kuwait
    Bank Location: Kuwait
    Bank Swift: NBOKKWKW

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Moroccan Dirham (MAD)

    Intermediary Bank: Societe Generale Marocaine De Banques
    Bank Location: Casablanca
    Bank Swift: SGMBMAMC

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • New Zealand Dollar (NZD)

    Intermediary Bank: ANZ National Bank Limited
    Bank Location: Wellington
    Bank Swift: ANZBNX22058

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Norwegian Krone (NOK)

    Intermediary Bank: Nordea Bank Norge ASA Bank Location: Oslo
    Bank Swift: NDEANOKK

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Philippine Peso (PHP)
    Intermediary Bank: HSBC LTD Bank Location: Manila
    Bank Swift: HSBCPHMMBeneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFXBeneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:
  • Polish Zloty (PLN)

    Intermediary Bank: Bank Pekao
    Bank Location: Warsaw
    Bank Swift: PKOPPLPW

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Qatari Rial (QAR)

    Intermediary Bank: Standard Chartered Bank
    Bank Location: Doha
    Bank Swift: SCBLQAQX

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Saudi Riyal (SAR)

    Intermediary Bank: The Saudi British Bank
    Bank Location: Riyadh
    Bank Swift: SABBSARI

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Singapore Dollar (SGD)

    Intermediary Bank: Standard Chartered Bank
    Bank Location: Singapore
    Bank Swift: SCBLSGSG

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • South African Rand (ZAR)

    Intermediary Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa LTD Bank Location: Johannesburg
    Bank Swift: SBZAZAJJ

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Swedish Krona (SEK)
    Intermediary Bank: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
    Bank Location: Stockholm
    Bank Swift: ESSESESSBeneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFXBeneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:
  • Swiss Franc (CHF)

    Intermediary Bank: Credit Suisse
    Bank Location: Zurich
    Bank Swift: CRESCHZZ80A

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Thai Baht (THB)

    Intermediary Bank: Kasikorn Bank PCL Bank Location: Bangkok
    Bank Swift: KASITHBK

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • UAE Dirham (AED)
    Intermediary Bank: HSBC Bank Middle East Limited
    Bank Location: Dubai
    Bank Swift: BBMEAEADBeneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFXBeneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:
  • Czech Koruna (CZK)

    Intermediary Bank: HSBC Bank PLC Bank Location: Prague
    Bank Swift: MIDLCZPP

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

  • Danish Krone (DKK)

    Intermediary Bank: Nordea Bank Denmark A/S Bank Location: Copenhagen
    Bank Swift: NDEADKKK

    Beneficiary Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA San Francisco
    Beneficiary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX

    Beneficiary Customer:
    Coca-Cola Credit Union
    Beneficiary Customer Number: //FW261071564

    Further Credit Details:
    CCCU Account Name:
    CCCU Account Number:
    CCCU Account Address:

View current Rate & Fee schedule for wire transfer fees.




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